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23rd January 2023

At the meeting of Hadnall Parish Council on Monday 9th January, councillors voted on the annual budget for the council and the resulting precept request.

The Parish Council's precept forms a small part of your total Council Tax bill. The Parish Council is responsible for local maintenance issues (e.g. some street lights, the play equipment, some trees, etc.) but is not responsible for matters such as highway repairs, bus services, etc. which come under Shropshire Council.

The reserves that the Parish Council currently holds are composed of a) earmarked funds received from CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) grants which are being held specifically for particular projects, and b) a general reserve, which financial guidelines require the parish council to have (50% - 100% of annual expenditure).

The Parish Council studied the budget carefully and trimmed any unnecessary expenditure from it. Obviously, some costs (such as electricity for lighting) have risen significantly. The budget was then agreed. Based on the needs of the budget, the council then voted to request a precept of £14521. This equates to an average increase of £3.30 per year for each household (10.9%).

However, following the meeting, a technicality was raised regarding the issuing of papers in good time. This may mean that we have to reconvene to discuss both the budget and the precept again. If this happens, then notification of that meeting will be put up on notice boards, the Parish Council's website, and on here. As always, any resident is very welcome to attend the meeting and to have their say during the public participation session at the start of the meeting.


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