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28th February 2025

This week the Parish Council met with senior representatives of Severn Trent and Shropshire Council to address the problems that residents are facing. 


  • Over recent years Hadnall has experienced a number of instances of flooding including sewage overflowing into and onto properties and into local water courses during periods of high rainfall.
  • Amongst local agencies there is an acknowledged issue with the 'capacity' of the current combined storm water and sewage network.
  • Shropshire Council have acknowledged that, whilst they have championed further housing growth and development within the village over recent years during the development of their 'Local Plan', only in recent months have they become aware of the capacity issues within the water and sewage network here in the village.

Key points to report from the meeting:

  1. The Parish Council is really pleased that in recent months there is acknowledgement amongst all agencies involved of an issue with the 'capacity' of the current combined storm water and sewage network.
  2. We are keen to continue to work with all agencies to look for and ensure long term infrastructure changes that improve and future proof the water network in our area.
  3. The Parish Council calls upon Shropshire Council to put on hold plans for any further development within the village until the infrastructure changes required are fully understood, costed and implemented by the relevant statutory bodies.

We as a parish council have listened carefully to local concerns and will continue to work tirelessly to champion this issue and find ways to help protect current and future residents from the devastating effects of flooding.

Support from our MP:

The Parish Council met with Helen Morgan MP today (28 February) along with some residents affected by the issues and we were pleased to receive Helen’s full support.

27th January 2025

On Monday 3rd February there will be a meeting of the parish council's Planning Committee at 8.30pm in the Village Hall.

The agenda will include the proposal for 45 dwellings on land south of Wedgefields, and a proposal to build an extension at Hadnall Primary School.

Members of the public are very welcome to attend and to contribute to the discussion during the Public Participation session.

Full details of all planning applications can be found here: https://next.shropshire.gov.uk/.../viewing-planning.../  You can also log in to contribute your own response to a planning application.

22nd January 2025

At the January meeting, Hadnall Parish Council agreed its budget and precept for the next financial year. 

It was agreed to request a precept of £15496. This represents a small rise of 1.72% (68 pence per year) for a Band D household. 



5th January 2025

The Parish Council is inviting residents to submit details of their experiences with surface water and sewerage flooding in Hadnall. The information submitted will help the Parish Council in its efforts to address these problems with Severn Trent, Shropshire Council, and developers. The information will also be shared with Helen Morgan MP who is joining with efforts to tackle flooding issues in North Shropshire. 

Please complete the attached form and send to the Parish Council Clerk. 

5th January 2025

A meeting has been organised by Rev Paul Cawthorne to discuss flooding issues in Hadnall. 

The meeting will be held on Wednesday 15th January 7pm in the Village Hall.